A cikksorozat harmadik része a szerdai napról, az elit férfiak 40 kilométeres egyenkénti időfutamáról szól. Ebben a küzdelemben kishazánk nem volt érdekelt, ellentétben az első két nappal, amikor Pelikán János ugrott neki, valamint amikor Peák Barnabás hozta ki magából a maximumot.
66 versenyző vágott neki a 40 kilométeres versenynek, amely során a sivatagi rajt és kilométerek után ez a nap is a Pearl-ben ért véget. Tony Martin (GER) év közben nem mindig villogott, de mint kiderült, egy új pozíciót erőltettek, márpedig tudjuk, a pozíció mennyire fontos ebben a műfajban. Év vége felé aztán visszatért a korábbi elhelyezkedéséhez (talán közre játszik az év végén megszűnő kapcsolata az Etixx-szel és a Specialized-dal), azóta pedig szárnyal.
Meg is nyerte a versenyt 45 másodperc előnnyel, 53.7-es átlagos kipasszírozva. Egyedül ő tudott 53 fölött teljesíteni! A tavalyi világbajnok, Vasil Kiryienka (BLR) második lett, ezzel búcsút mondott a szivárványos meznek – Tony Martinnak viszont nem lesz újdonság e mez, hiszen már a negyediket szerzi. Ezzel egyúttal beállította Fabian Cancellara világbajnoki címeinek számát is! A bronzot, ha nem is sokkal, de Nicolas Castroviejo (ESP) szerezte meg, aki egész évben stabilan jó teljesítményt nyújtott, így már-már megérdemeltnek is titulálható az érem.
A további top 10: Bodnar (POL), Mullen (IRL), Dennis (AUS), Lampaert (BEL), Van Emden (NED), Hollenstein (SUI), Jungels (LUX). Olyan nevek, mint Dumoulin, Dowsett, Phinney, Durbridge vagy Quinziato, ezúttal nem fértek a tűz közelébe.
I did not really expect to win today. Right from coming here, I felt pretty good. I had a good feeling, training with the team and on Sunday [Team Time Trial] I was in good condition. I expected a very good race today, and I also thought I could go for the title, but I did not expect to win. Preparation was not so different to the last months or year, one big change was going back to my old position. A special preparation was to get adapted to the heat here. We have good people around, who gave me a lot of advice. Everybody said that I was crazy training in the bathroom with the heaters on. It was a lot of suffering even more than today, but it paid off last Sunday and today.
I’m generally very satisfied. After all, in my career I never managed to win any Time Trials until last year in the Giro. Afterwards I won another couple of Time Trials and the World title. This year I wanted to improve my Time Trial, but I did not manage. The rainbow jersey did help to go faster. Today I told the coaches I was going to do the best I could, and I confirmed that I was strong and I’m happy that I could show that to my supporters and to my enemies. With the heat it’s very hard. This is a type of race where you fight against yourself. This may not be the ideal place for a cycling race, but I have tried to put a good show for the spectators, even if it was tougher than usual.
For me this year was very difficult, I had a big crash. After all it’s a good result fourth in the Olympic Games and a gold medal in European Championships. Beforehand I was very confident about my chances for today. The course was quite fast, we already saw that in the Team Time Trial. The wind was quite strong, which is not really good for me, luckily enough, during my race the wind was not so strong. I found very good legs at the start and at the end of my performance. This result gives me a lot of confidence and I’ve been very consistent during this season. I knew I was going to be very good today, even though the course wasn’t particularly good for me. Luckily next year the course in Norway will be a little uphill and that will suit me better.
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